Children & Families
Your child be maybe experiencing some of the following symptoms along with others:
- Always worries, cries easily and is often fearful.
- Is self-critical, pessimistic and over reacts to life situations.
- Is not friendly, bullies, hurts or teases other kids.
- Is unaffectionate and considered a loner.
- Wants to play alone, has no hobbies or interests, is excessively shy.
- Frequently lies, blames others for everything.
- Has difficulty organizing, loses interest quickly has difficulty following rules.
- Threatens to harm himself or others
- Always angry and defiant with authority

Your teenager may be experiencing:
- Has thought of suicide or made gestures
- Poor body image, Low self-esteem
- Anger and violent episodes, extreme mood swings
- Withdrawing from family and friends, isolating
- Self-medicating with alcohol and or drugs
- Noticeable changes in behavior i.e. eating, sleeping