Dr Coral Arvon


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Overcoming Fear Through Psychotherapy: Your Guide to a Fear-Free Life

Fear is a natural and often necessary response that can protect us from danger and motivate us to take action. However, when fear becomes overwhelming, irrational, or debilitating, it can significantly hinder one's quality of life. If you're struggling with fear that's affecting your well-being, psychotherapy and counseling can be invaluable tools for overcoming it. Fear manifests in many forms, ranging...
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Imago Therapy: Discover Healing and Connection in Your Relationship

Are you struggling to communicate effectively with your partner? Do you find yourselves caught in repetitive patterns of arguments and misunderstandings? Imago Therapy offers a unique and transformative approach to help couples build stronger connections and unlock the potential for deep healing and growth. Imago Therapy, developed by renowned therapists Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, focuses on...
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Overcoming the Daily Battle with Anxiety: A Path to Healing with Dr. Coral Arvon

Anxiety can often feel like an invisible force infiltrating various aspects of our lives. Whether it's the relentless pressures at work, the complexities of maintaining healthy relationships, or the constant challenges that life throws our way, anxiety can be overwhelming. Amidst this struggle, seeking guidance and support is crucial. Dr. Coral Arvon, renowned for her expertise in counseling and psychotherapy, offers...
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Nurturing Relationships: The Vital Role of Specialty Marriage and Couple Counseling

In today's fast-paced world, sustaining a harmonious and fulfilling relationship can present an array of challenges. As individuals navigate the complexities of daily life, maintaining a strong and loving bond with a partner often requires intentional effort, understanding, and effective communication. This is where the crucial role of specialty marriage and couple counseling comes into play. In essence, specialty marriage and...
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Six Tips for a Healthier Mind

“I’m exercising every day and eating well, so I’m sure the weight will come off.” That’s what our guests at the Pritikin Longevity Center tell me, and certainly, they get amazing results for both their weight and overall health. But in my seminars at Pritikin, I remind our guests that there’s another important component to healthy living. It’s having a...
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3 Things People Worry About During the Holidays & How to Overcome Them

Eat, drink, and be merry—that’s what we’re supposed to do over the holidays. And we’re usually awfully good (unfortunately) with the eating and drinking. It’s the “merry” we struggle with. Instead of good cheer, we’re often worrying about everything from “to do” lists to expanding bellies, the result of all those holiday buffets. Here are three key holiday worries and...
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Holiday Pleasures: 3 Tips For Relaxing & Finding Time For You

Shopping. Baking. Wrapping. Running. Are holiday “must do’s” driving you a little nuts? Here are 3 suggestions for finding some much-needed “me time”, and real joy, during the holidays! 1. Learn the power of saying “NO” to others and “YES” to you. If you have trouble saying “no” to family and friends, the stress just piles up. Even worse is...
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The Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship & How to Break Free

Before you can get out of a toxic relationship, you have to admit you are in one. Recognize the red flags and the signs you’re in a toxic relationship by asking yourself these seven questions: 1 - Can you be yourself with your partner? 2 - Is your partner critical of you, constantly challenging your viewpoints? 3 - Are there...
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Anger Management: The Two Faces of Anger

Some people might have trouble managing their anger and others have trouble expressing or letting it out. Everybody has a bully; it’s either in you or standing real close to you. Lets take a look and see how unpleasant emotions, like anger and fear can play havoc in our life. Sometimes it can be down right petrifying. How do we...
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SLOW, DEEP BREATHING- Take slow and deep breaths, in through the nose for four seconds and out through the mouth for four seconds, four times total. This kind of breathing assists in slowing our heart rate, our minds, and our anxious thoughts. DRAW/WRITE ABOUT YOUR FEELING- Drawing your Anxiety or writing about your Anxiety in a journal can be an...
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Agree to be inspired

This is my first foray into the realm of private practice, and I’m amazed at my capacity to love my fellow human beings. I suppose it is like a mother who births a child and learns a love beyond anything she’s ever experienced before, and perhaps then, if she has another child, she’s bewildered by yet another profoundly deeper ability...
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Sleeping Problems / Maybe Anxiety ?

Thoughts buzzing around in your head is the leading cause of not getting to sleep on time. And the more you think about the fact you are not getting to sleep on time, the wider awake you will likely become. In fact, some studies have shown the new devices meant to track your sleep tend to induce anxiety in their...
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Introvert & Extrovert Sharing The Anxiety Of Shyness

Isolator, snob, introvert, stuck-up, or inhibited, words we've all heard before. These are some of the labels often used for people suffering from the same affliction: shyness. While shyness may be amusing in very young children, it can be devastating for adolescents and adults. Individuals who suffer from shyness tend to view other people as threatening. Often these people are...
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Sexless In Miami

INTERESTING NEWS: IF YOU’RE IN A SEXLESS MARRIAGE LIVING IN THE SEXIEST OF CITIES, YOU HAPPEN TO BE IN GOOD COMPANY So, you thought the same Miami heat that brings on an endless parade of scantily clad men and women on any given day would have a trickle down effect on Miamian marriages. Miamians are hot looking to be sure,...
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Parents of Teens: Stop Pulling Out Your Hair!

4 Strategies to Start Implementing Today to Achieve Better Communication with Your Teen By: Melanie Rosenberg I get A LOT of calls from parents of adolescents who are confused, at the end of their rope and don't know what else to try with their teens. Let’s get real. Being the parent of a teenager is H_A_R_D. Rest assured YOU'RE NOT...
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Is the romance in my relationship a thing of the past? Taking a closer look at intimacy

By: Coral Arvon, PhD Is the romance in my relationship a thing of the past? Many couples come to therapy with the common concern of losing the passionate spark that was once abundant in their relationship. Often they ask “What now? Will we ever go back to being the way we were?” It is an experience of loss, and also a...
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Communication in Romantic Relationships

By Michelle Ingrosso M.S.Ed. Language is how we connect in our relationships and social lives.  We use it to seduce, argue, and to propose and confirm a marriage. Language is what allows us to interact with others, allows us to convey ideas, influence the mental states, and behavior of others. Within our romantic relationships, we can all learn more about...
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Managing Emotional Eating

By Daniela Romano L.M.H.C What is Emotional Eating? Emotional eating, which is also known as binge eating, corresponds to the tendency of overeating when not physically hungry in response to emotions such as sadness, stress, anxiety or boredom. According to the DSM- 5, binge eating disorder is associated with three or more of the following characteristics: Eating until feeling uncomfortably...
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Our Divorce and Our Children

By Ronit Horowitz Ph D, L.M.F.T Our children are the most sacred part of our lives. From the moment they are born, our lifelong mission becomes to protect them, guide them, and fill their lives with infinite joy. During a divorce, however, their joy is—at times—shattered …and their world is completely changed. Our mission, as the parents—and the adults—is to...
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Counseling, Psychotherapy Gets Results!

By Alexia Touboul L.M.H.C       Detaching From the Stigma of Seeking Counseling: Why Asking for Help is Healthy and Totally Worth It   Today’s society has come a long way; in just a few decades, people have become more accepting and open-minded to difference, change, and progress. However, it seems like the concept of seeking counseling is one...
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