Dr Coral Arvon

Stress & Worry Consultation In Miami

Arvon and Associate’s experts in Miami are specialized in helping individuals with managing the overwhelming aspects of stress. Contact us to manage stress effectively especially when:

  • Stress (and the effects of stress) dominate your life.
  • Stress is affecting your physical health.
  • You are using unhealthy coping methods to deal with stress.
  • You are experiencing angry outbursts that are affecting those around you.

Signs of stress include: Apathy, lack of energy. Difficulty making decisions. Difficulty “keeping track” of things. Feeling on edge. A change in eating habits. Sleeping more than usual or difficulty getting to sleep. Being more emotional. Using alcohol or drugs to relieve or forget stress.

If your stress is interfering with your capacity to be happy and lead an emotionally rewarding life, then it may be time to seek professional help. This is especially true if it is persistent. You may also want to talk to your doctor or a counselor if your stress is causing you to experience physical symptoms or worsening of a chronic medical condition. Finally, seek professional help if you find yourself “treating” your stress by misuse or abuse of alcohol or drugs, or by engaging in other unhealthy behaviors.

Our strategies and techniquies to assist in helping you overcome stress include:

  • Guided Imagery
  • Progressive Relaxation
  • Deep Breathing
  • Though awareness and rationalization
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Self-improvement

We utilize creative and individualized approaches to ensure the best results to manage your stress and lead a fulfilling life in Miami.

Dr Arvon has trained her staff in many of these methods of treatment including The Arvon Method™.

online therapy

Receive the expert help you need ay your convenience. We talk while you are taking a walk, while you are lying comfortably on your couch, or traveling anywhere in the world. Contact us

There is a Solution

Call Arvon and Associates in Counseling now and one of our office administrator will assist you with any questions you might have and to assure you get the personal care you need. (305) 936-8000

About Dr. Coral Arvon

Dr. Coral Arvon is a Relationship Expert. Whether a couple, parent/child, business associate or alone seeking meaningful relationships, she will help you connect.

Dr. Arvon is the Owner/Director of Arvon and Associates in Counseling with offices throughout South Florida. She is also the Director of Behavioral Medicine & Wellness at the world renown Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa (via Pritikin.com).