Dr Coral Arvon


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Nurturing Relationships: The Vital Role of Specialty Marriage and Couple Counseling

In today’s fast-paced world, sustaining a harmonious and fulfilling relationship can present an array of challenges. As individuals navigate the complexities of daily life, maintaining a strong and loving bond with a partner often requires intentional effort, understanding, and effective communication. This is where the crucial role of specialty marriage and couple counseling comes into […]

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3 Things People Worry About During the Holidays & How to Overcome Them

Eat, drink, and be merry—that’s what we’re supposed to do over the holidays. And we’re usually awfully good (unfortunately) with the eating and drinking. It’s the “merry” we struggle with. Instead of good cheer, we’re often worrying about everything from “to do” lists to expanding bellies, the result of all those holiday buffets. Here are

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Holiday Pleasures: 3 Tips For Relaxing & Finding Time For You

Shopping. Baking. Wrapping. Running. Are holiday “must do’s” driving you a little nuts? Here are 3 suggestions for finding some much-needed “me time”, and real joy, during the holidays! 1. Learn the power of saying “NO” to others and “YES” to you. If you have trouble saying “no” to family and friends, the stress just

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The Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship & How to Break Free

Before you can get out of a toxic relationship, you have to admit you are in one. Recognize the red flags and the signs you’re in a toxic relationship by asking yourself these seven questions: 1 – Can you be yourself with your partner? 2 – Is your partner critical of you, constantly challenging your

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Is the romance in my relationship a thing of the past? Taking a closer look at intimacy

By: Coral Arvon, PhD Is the romance in my relationship a thing of the past? Many couples come to therapy with the common concern of losing the passionate spark that was once abundant in their relationship. Often they ask “What now? Will we ever go back to being the way we were?” It is an experience

Is the romance in my relationship a thing of the past? Taking a closer look at intimacy Read More »

Communication in Romantic Relationships

By Michelle Ingrosso M.S.Ed. Language is how we connect in our relationships and social lives.  We use it to seduce, argue, and to propose and confirm a marriage. Language is what allows us to interact with others, allows us to convey ideas, influence the mental states, and behavior of others. Within our romantic relationships, we

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Counseling, Psychotherapy Gets Results!

By Alexia Touboul L.M.H.C       Detaching From the Stigma of Seeking Counseling: Why Asking for Help is Healthy and Totally Worth It   Today’s society has come a long way; in just a few decades, people have become more accepting and open-minded to difference, change, and progress. However, it seems like the concept

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